Category: 0-1 Month Maddie

Madeline lifting her head

One of the fun things about having a second child is that you have a better idea of what to expect.  There are many details that you forget about from your first but you quickly remember when you have a new one.  Also, this second time around as parents is a bit easier in the sense that we now know what we are doing and aren’t so freaked out by everything.

There are many similarities between Madeline and Ryan but also things are a bit different.  I think Madeline’s head is smaller than Ryan’s and therefore it is a bit easier for her to hold it up.  We have a little video here of Madeline doing some tummy time and looking around while lifting her head.


lifting head-poster

Mommy, Daddy, Ryan and Madeline

It is always fun to compare photos of all of us as babies.  We did this with Ryan when he was young and here is the same photo except now with Madeline.




Madeline has been giving us smiles for a while now.  Some of these smiles were made by rubbing her nose but regardless has been pretty good at giving us a smile now and then.


Halmonie comes for a visit

Grace’s mother came up to help us out and to visit Madeline.  It really made a big difference having a helping hand as daddy finished up his work with the university and we adjusted to having 2 kids.



Do you notice the similarities?

I am referring to the similarities between Ryan (left) and Madeline (right).   Please don’t try to say that I see that daddy looks older.


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