Category: 3 Years

Ryan on a skateboard

One of Ryan’s gifts at his birthday party was a skateboard from Ella.  Daddy made Ryan a deal that if he could learn how to do a few things on a skateboard he could take it outside.  This is Ryan trying to show off his first day abilities.


Making Ryan’s Lego Table

For Ryan’s fourth birthday we wanted to do something special.  Ryan has always been a big fan of Thomas the Train and had a ton of his trains and wooden tracks.  He loved building and playing with that set.  It seemed as though Ryan was starting to take an interest in Legos and it might be time to switch the table over to a Lego set.  Rather then getting rid of the Lego table we decided to turn one side into a Lego set.  This involved buying a whole bunch of Lego baseplates and gluing them together.

It might seem like an easy project but let me tell you it is not as easy as it seems.  Here are some pictures and a description of the work needed in order to make this work. After finishing the table I just turned it over and Ryan had no idea the table underneath his train set was a Lego table waiting for his birthday.


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I sanded the edges to help the glue stick An important step is to make sure the lego
base plates are evenly placed.
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Spread the glue Weigh it down and let it dry
After finishing all of the work I painted the edge of the table blue to give it a more polished look.  The biggest trouble I had was that I forgot that the top of the table was laminate, so the glue actually worked great – the laminate itself started to come off.  In retrospect I should have sanded down the laminate all of the way before gluing.  To fix the problem I removed some of the pieces and used crazy glue to stick it back down (after the laminate was removed).
Here are a few photos of Ryan playing with the table on his birthday
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Haircut time

It is that time of year where daddy likes to shave his head in anticipation of a summer of coolness.  This year right before shaving his head Ryan wanted to do the same.  How could we refuse?  Here are some photos:


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Does my sister look like me or do I look like her?

What do you think?


Ryan’s Easter

Since Easter cam on Madeline’s birthday this year we did spend a little extra time with Ryan on his Easter to make sure he didn’t think we were ignoring him.  The morning started off with the Easter bunny randomly hiding treats in little eggs all over the house.  As the day progressed Ryan kept finding little eggs everywhere with much joy!!


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The Easter bunny also left a picture under Ryan’s pillow with another picture and an arrow to another clue and also left a chocolate bunny with one of the clues to keep things exciting.

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Bunnies are yummy!
The treasure hunt eventually led to the big prize which was hidden in the laundry machine.  It was a big box of Legos!!
