Category: 4 Years

Last birthday at Little Raven

It is finally time to celebrate Ryan’s birthday at Little Raven (birthday party #2 of 3).   Ryan is always so excited to celebrate his birthday with his friends at Little Raven.  We made him a special planet birthday cake which he loved.  At this point in time he was pretty obsessed with the planets so he really was excited to have a planets birthday cake.

Ryan was very insistent that Madeline be invited to his birthday party at Little Raven and he was so sweet to her.  He made sure she had whatever she needed and that she sit right next to him.  It was pretty special to see him being so caring towards her.  He really was ‘big brother Ryan’ that day.  Here are some photos and a video at the end



May 16 2013_1909 May 17 2013_1891
May 17 2013_1893 May 17 2013_1898

Daddy’s Birthday

Daddy was very lucky to be able to spend his birthday with his kids.  Sometimes at this time of year he is off on concerts.  Actually, he had to move his adjudicating in Victoria around just to be home on his birthday.  In the end it was all worth it and it was a wonderful 39th birthday.


Apr 28 2013_1645 Apr 28 2013_1647
Apr 28 2013_1648 Apr 29 2013_1624
Apr 29 2013_1629

Daddy’s student party

At the end of the year daddy invited all of his students over for a BBQ and party.  The kids loved it and were on their special behavior (crazy crazy).  As you can see in the second photo they never miss an opportunity to try and steal the spotlight.

Apr 11 2013_1667 Apr 11 2013_1670


Daddy had a concert in Tofino but only agreed to do it if they could put me up in a nice hotel and let me bring my family.  Granted, Grace hated the windy roads but we got there safe and sound.  It was during the big wave season (storm season) which was cool to see.  We also had an awesome meal in town the first night, Ryan had one of the best meals of his life!  He ate so much.

It was quite cold out on the beach but that didn’t stop us from getting wet (not on purpose) and capturing some cool photos.  At night we also enjoyed hanging out in the hot tub!  When daddy was rehearsing for the concert the kids played at the playground and made some new friends.


Here are the photos.

Feb 23 2013_1358 Feb 23 2013_1361 Feb 23 2013_1368
Feb 23 2013_1377 Feb 23 2013_1365 Feb 23 2013_1390
Feb 23 2013_1395 Feb 23 2013_1399 Feb 23 2013_1403
Feb 23 2013_1420 Feb 23 2013_1425 Feb 23 2013_1432
Feb 23 2013_1437 Feb 23 2013_1439 IMG_20130222_185325

Ryan’s first time in hockey gear

Ryan was very excited to start playing hockey.  It took us a while but we finally got all of his gear.   Here are a few pictures of him in his hockey gear for the first time.  I’ve also included a short video sample of him on the ice!


Jan 07 2013_1478 Jan 09 2013_1467

Jan 10 2013_1462