Category: 4 Years


Last year Ryan and his good friend Ella had a blast at the carnival.  This year they insisted on going together.  I bought Ryan a bracelet so he could go on as many rides as possible.  Ella and Ryan met up with their friend Gabby and they wanted to go on all of the rides themselves.


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Ryan was very excited when he saw the Ferris wheel!  At this point Ryan and Ella had met up with Gabby – they insisted on going on the ride by themselves.  I didn’t want to get in their way so each of the parents let them go by themselves – we were all a bit nervous.  What would happen if they freaked etc?  Anyway, as the ride started they looked quite happy – as you probably know how a Ferris wheel works, you need to stop on each level to let people on.  I remember with each stop Ryan would have a moment where his eyes got bigger and looked down.  None of the kids got freaked out and they had a blast.  I think the parents down on the ground were more freaked out.  Check out the photos.
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One of my favorite pictures is below. Ryan and Ella are riding the roller coaster and as they come around Ryan sticks out his hand to protect Ella…very cute.

Daddy’s Sunglasses look better on Ryan

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A little game of hide and seek?

Madeline was playing with her new kitchen when she decided that it might be cute to see what it would be like to go in.



 What brother can let his little sister top him for cuteness.  Ryan had to do the same thing.


Circus Ryan

There is a posting on Madeline’s blog about Stella’s birthday party.  At this same birthday party Ryan decided he wanted to show off what it would be like to be in a circus.

Check it out!



Daycare buddies

Ryan loves going to Little Raven daycare.  He has made some great friends and the older boys (the one’s that are graduating this year) have become Ryan’s best friends.  It will be a little bit sad when the older boys leave for kindergarten and Ryan stays on for another year of daycare.  His best friends will start leaving throughout the summer.  He really enjoys playing with the older boys, Uku, Sasha, Julien, Sohm and Luke.  Here are some photos of them.


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