Category: 24-30 months


At this time of year daddy starts getting ready for another school year.  It always seems to start out with the 2 week long summer chamber music camp for young artists called ‘Young Artist Experience’.  This festival really is a lot of fun for both me and the students.  We always end with two concerts and on both night the string orchestra which is a mix of teachers and students opens up the concert with a few pieces.  After the string orchestra performs all of the students play their chamber music pieces that they learned over the two weeks.

These photos are from the first concert which takes place in a church in West Vancouver.  Ryan and mommy came along for the concert – Ryan doesn’t get to see daddy play too many concerts.  Well, I have to say, Ryan loved being at a concert.  He was very quite ( I didn’t hear him) and according to mommy he clapped really hard and yelled “Yeaah Daddy!”.  Mommy said that after the first piece Ryan tried running down the aisle to give daddy a hug.  She was able to catch him!!    I don’t think anyone would have had a problem if he had given daddy a hug.

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Hat Monster (part 2)

As we mentioned in an earlier posting, Ryan loves his hats.  Daddy actually loves wearing hats in the summer, too.

Mommy and Ryan were out shopping the other day and found a hat that matched one of daddy’s hats.  They bought it and came home to show it off.  Check out the photos


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Ryan just showing how cool he can be

In this photo Ryan is doing his “YO!” pose



Such a poser! 

Ryan and his friends

Ryan has been having more play dates now that it is the summer.  Since we moved we’ve had a few friends over.  Here are some photos of Ryan and Zack (who lives about 5 minutes away).  When Angie and Quinn came over with Zack for dinner they brought cupcakes.  The kids loved the cupcakes, can’t you tell?



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And here are some more silly photos of Ryan and his friend Micah (on another day) who lives in our building.  Silly boys!



Symphony of Fireworks

Some of you may know about the Symphony of Fire(works) that happens every year in Vancouver.  There is an international fireworks competition that takes place over 2 weeks (four shows).  The fireworks are amazing and last about 25 minutes.

We really wanted to bring Ryan to the final night of the fireworks (China was the country putting them on this night).  The only problem was that the fireworks only took place after dark, and for Vancouver that means a little after 10pm.    We rearranged Ryan’s nap schedule and encouraged him to stay up for the fireworks.

Well, he did stay up and actually really enjoyed them.  After about 10 minutes he kept talking about going home, so I guess he was getting a bit bored but the fireworks kept getting more and more exciting.  We did end up staying until the end.

We didn’t get any photos of the fireworks but got some nice shots of us before the fireworks at the park as we were trying to find the best vantage point.


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Hat Monster

It seems like everyday we pick Ryan up from school (daycare) he has on a different hat.  He also really likes to show them off every time he has on a new one.  i only have photos of him in two of them because we usually leave them at school.


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