Category: 8-9 month

Captain! We’re under attack

We’ve come to learn that Ryan’s crawling style is called Commando – as if he is under attack!  Ryan has really mastered his crawling but has never given up on the commando style.  We love it! 


We decided to make our living room into a battle ground with obstacles and tunnels for Ryan to crawl through.  We thought this was very fitting for his crawling style.  We even included his change pad as an extra obstacle to conquor in this war!



under attack!

Ryan walks the line

OK…Now I am not saying that Ryan can walk a straight line – certainly not good enough to pass a sobriety test but he certainly looks cute as he practices his walking with daddy.  He has crawling down and is working on trying to pull himself up on things.  He loves to jump -so much so, that we are wondering if mommy had a fling with the Easter Bunny!



Ryan likes pants over his head

This might sound strange but Ryan has loved it whenever we’ve put a blanket or something over his head.  He goes extra nuts and starts breathing really heavy. 


We are not sure when he is going to outgrow it so we wanted to post a video of it before he no longer loves it.  This has been a lifesaver whenever we need to change diapers because he has become a crawling maniac.  We need 2 of us to change him – one to hold him down or entertain him to change the diaper. 


I do need to add that Ryan has become a sleeping king – he goes to sleep within 1 minute of putting him down at night (no crying) and sleeps for 11-12 hours without getting up.  He has been doing this consistently for 1 week now and we couldn’t be happier!


So much has changed in the last few weeks it is quite something.  No video or pictures can ever capture the fun that we are having


HA HA - You've got pants on your head