Category: 2-3 month

Ryan’s vaccine shot #2

Ryan had his second vaccine shot yesterday and he fussed a bit when the needle came out. It all went ok but he really became quite fussy that night and the following day. It has made things a bit more difficult for us, but we hope it is short lived.

He did have some cute moments in his stroller in the early afternoon.

Does Obaki have red hair?

Grace and I have been wondering what colour hair Ryan will have.  We have been goofing around with what colour hair Ryan will end up with.  I took this picture which really shows off Ryan’s hair colour.


Ryan’s first play date

Ryan had a lot of fun the other day with his buddy Eli. We put them close together -they were so happy looking at the tree above them that their arms starting flailing all about. We had to move them a bit further apart to protect them from their swinging arms.

No Obaki, it's play time not dinner

No Obaki, it’s play time not dinner

Here, I will sing you a song!

Here, I will sing you a song!

Check out the tree!

Check out the tree!

My hand is tasty - wanna try?

My hand is tasty – wanna try?

Sotto voce? I think not!

Obaki is now 11 weeks old and growing up faster than we could have ever imagined (check out the photos section if you don’t believe me or the link is above).

I remember a while ago Heather mentioned that the next big change is when babies start discovering their voices. Well, I have to say that stage is here. The other night when Ryan woke up for some food and a change -mummy needed to go for a pee so I stayed with Ryan and made some funny sounds for him. Well, I guess he loved it because he proceeded to tell me the story of his life (in baby sounds, of course). He’s been experimenting with sounds for a few weeks now but his vocabulary is really growing. Today he tried to tell me that he prefers to have stronger legs rather than a stronger neck. He said that the whole neck thing will come with time but if he works on his legs his whole body will be stronger -as these are much larger muscles and are important in kicking (ass). At first I thought he wasn’t thinking clearly as the neck thing is very important….but I see his point.

A BBQ Picnic

We went on a little picnic the other day. Daddy has been working with YAE (summer camp for young musicians) and will be teaching there for the next 2 weeks so that’s been keeping me busy. But we planned out a picnic at the beach (the one that is about 5 minutes from our home) so that we could do a big BBQ and cook up lots of chicken and beef and portobello mushrooms and asparagus. We always cook up lots of extras (nothing like a BBQ chicken sandwich the next few days…yummy!!)

Here are a few pictures from that day. Ryan loved being out and had a blast.

Before the BBQ - loving his new hoodie

Before the BBQ - loving his new hoodie

Ryan at the picnic

Ryan at the picnic

Mummy and Obaki having a good time

Mummy and Obaki having a good time