Category: 2-3 month


supperman you get it? He's big and likes to eat a lot in the evenings.

Nothing to see here but my cute PJ’s and smile

I am smiling because I love my pj's

I am smiling because I love my pj's

A heavy head.

A couple of weeks ago we thought Ryan was going to have the whole ‘hold up your head’ thing figured out by now. But then he goes and gains 4 pounds which makes his head heavier….actually, we got a bit lazy with letting him practice holding up his head. And for some reason, he really has come to dislike being on his belly.


We have been able to get in a bit of head lifting exercises but his real strength is in his legs. Unfortunately, I don’t think he will ever be very good at crawling as he hates lying on his front. I think he just gets frustrated that he can’t life himself. It really sounds like he stresses out when he can’t lift his head.


After saying all of this – here are some successful pictures of him lifting his head.

I don't need a pillow

I don’t need a pillow

But, I prefer a pillow

But, I prefer a pillow

I can lift my head...see!

I can lift my head…see!



Ryan gets high on his chair

When we made our trip to Seattle we found a high chair on sale at Target – so we bought it even though we knew Ryan was a bit young to start eating in his chair.

Once we returned from our trip we set it up anyway to see if he liked it. Well, he loved it. We sat him down while we ate and he smiled and loved seeing us munch away. Today, Grace put him in the chair and he watched her cook and unload the dishwasher.

Here are some pictures in his chair.

Ryan in his chair

Ryan in his chair

Want a green bean?

Want a green bean?

Mommy and Ryan

Mommy and Ryan

Yeah, I like my chair!

Yeah, I like my chair!

Ryan’s first word is…..(“good”)

I don’t expect you to believe that this really is Ryan’s first word.  We caught this by accident as he was playing in his crib.  It really sounds like he says “good”.  It is pretty funny!  I didn’t mess with this video in any way other than to paste it together so that you can hear it 3 times.  It is 100% real and really funny!!