Category: 2-3 month

Andante Mobile

Here is a cute video of Obaki playing in his crib. He loves his mobile – I mean LOVES it! Every morning he plays in it for at least 20 minutes and makes the cutest sounds. We wanted to capture it on video as we know he will soon grow past this stage. Check it out

Is Ryan fat?


We went in for our 2 month check up for Ryan.  He is off the charts in weight gain – last visit he was in the 90th percentile but now he is off the chart!!  He weighs 15 lb 7 oz at just under 10 weeks.

We met a really big guy on a walk tonight who started talking to us.  This guy thought that Ryan was really cute – and the guy said “Wow!  What a big baby.  How much did he weigh at birth?”.  So we talked for a bit.  It wasn’t until later into our conversation that this stranger decided to open up and tell me that he weighed 7lbs 8oz at birth, and that he now weighs 402lbs!  So after sharing more than we wanted, we all went our separate weighs.

It wasn’t until a few minutes later that Grace said “if this guy thinks that our baby is fat -then maybe we should really be worried!!  I mean, he does look at himself everyday and did he just say that our baby was really big?”

That got us thinking…is Ryan fat?

I am not worried as Ryan is quite healthy – and our doctor seems very happy.  So nothing to worry about – the only thing is that his bath time is a bit more difficult as we have to lift and wash between the extra creases.

The big day (the first vaccination!)

Ok!  Of course, this isnt’ fun.  I did a bit of research about vaccines and what shots to get and when.  It might sound like I am a bit over-protective (which I am!) but I don’t have complete faith in our medical system (and even less faith in the drug companies!)

I just want to make sure that I know what the pros and cons of the vaccines are.  I decided that since Ryan isn’t sexually active nor does he partake in IV drug use I could skip the Hep-B shot for a few years.  I also decided not to give him his menningococcal shot at the 2 month visit as this shot is usually only given at 12 months in all of the rest of Canada.  I figured that since he isn’t in day care yet we will get this shot at the same time everyone else in the country does.

I also figured that since the Dtap/Hib/ shot has quite a bit of alluminum that I would break up his Pneumococcal vaccine with his first shot.  So this just means that he will get this vaccine shot in 3 weeks.  So for his first vaccination day he only had 1 shot.

And just for the record – I am not skipping any vaccinations (at least not yet).  I am just breaking them up a bit.

And after all of the excitement of getting his first shot – he didn’t even notice it….no whimper or anything.  Bingo!  That’s it!

Our first international trip

It took a bit of planning but the trip happened without any problems. Obaki was an angel and slept almost the entire drive from Vancouver to Seattle. We had about a 30 minute wait to cross the border – but that worked out well because Grace got out of the car and walked around with Ryan as I slowly inched up the line at the border. It was no problem to cross the border – we all had passports including Ryan (who got his passport at 5 weeks old).

After crossing the border we drove straight to Bellingham to do some shopping at Target and Macy’s. I hate to sound like I get excited about shopping because I really don’t but when you save as much money as we do when we shop in the US – it is hard not to get at least a bit excited. Continue reading

Some photos from our Seattle trip

Grace, Julianne & Ryan

Mi Jung with Grace

Mi Jung with Jasper

Grace, Josh and Jasper