A BBQ Picnic

We went on a little picnic the other day. Daddy has been working with YAE (summer camp for young musicians) and will be teaching there for the next 2 weeks so that’s been keeping me busy. But we planned out a picnic at the beach (the one that is about 5 minutes from our home) so that we could do a big BBQ and cook up lots of chicken and beef and portobello mushrooms and asparagus. We always cook up lots of extras (nothing like a BBQ chicken sandwich the next few days…yummy!!)

Here are a few pictures from that day. Ryan loved being out and had a blast.

Before the BBQ - loving his new hoodie

Before the BBQ - loving his new hoodie

Ryan at the picnic

Ryan at the picnic

Mummy and Obaki having a good time

Mummy and Obaki having a good time

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