
This year Ryan really seems to understand the whole Christmas thing with Santa, presents and holidays.  Ryan was very specific to Santa on what he wanted in terms of gifts.  Our regular mall is the Richmond Centre  and they celebrate Christmas there like nobody else.  They have elves running around the mall and you can collect cards from each of them.  Ryan loved going up to the to ask for their cards so that he could collect them.  On one of our trips there Ryan was lucky enough to get a card from Santa.

We really wanted to do a photo with the Richmond Centre Santa but the line up was always so long.  On our last day in Vancouver before our trip to LA we decided to go to Oakridge mall to see their Santa.  In the end, he was awesome – very authentic, a real beard and very jolly.

In the photo below there is a small Thomas train.  The funny thing about it was, as Ryan sat on Santa’s lap and asked for his specific gifts Ryan blurted out “why is Thomas hiding here?”  Nobody seemed to understand until we found a Thomas train.  See if you can find it in the photo.


Ryan and Santa